Phrasals (get + preposition)

Get + Prepositions - Gap-fill Exercise

get back, get by, get down to, get into, get on, get out, get over, get through, get together, get with.

Welcome to "Introduction to Computers and the Internet." This course is designed to help inexperienced computer users their fear of technology and it "technically." We are going to teach you how to with computers and the Internet. I am your instructor, Mr. Pfeffer, and these are my two assistants, Mrs. Frank and Miss DePaul. Together, we are going to help you these lessons. By the time you of this class, you will have mastered the concepts you need to successfully navigate the Web.

First, I would like everyone to groups and choose a computer. Once you have and chosen a place to sit, we will work. We will be learning about different browsers and how they function. We will teach you how to interpret the layout of a web page and how to know where to click to move to other parts of the web site. At that point, we are going to take a short fifteen minute break.

After you all to class, we are going to discuss web-based content. We are going to teach you how to find the content you want using sources such as Yahoo or Alta Vista. So, let's get started.