future with "going to" - look at the answers and use the prompts to write questions

"going to" future with question words - what, where, why, how, who, when -

Write questions using the prompts

example: you / drink / at the party? - an orange juice
What are you going to drink at the party? I’m going to drink an orange juice.

1. do / in July / he?
1. in July? - He's going to play tennis every day.

2. write / to her friend /she?
2. to her friend? - She's going to write tonight.

3. do / with your money?
3. with your money? - I'm going to buy new trainers.

4. join / a dance class / they?
4. a dance class? - Because they want to get fit.

5. go there / you?
5. there? - We are going to get there on a motorbike.

6. study / next year / she?
6. next year? - She's going to study Spanish and Italian.

7. go / on holiday / he?
7. on holiday? - He's going to go to Spain.

8. have / a party on the beach?
8. a party on the beach? - Dave is going to have a party on the beach.

9. get up / on Sunday morning / you?
9. on Sunday morning? - I'm going to get up at 12 o’clock.

10. meet / for lunch / today / Susan?
10. for luch? - She's going to meet her parents.

11. give / to Sue / for her birthday?
11. to Sue for her birthday? - I'm going to give her a CD.

12. live / next year / they?
12. next year? - They're going to live in London.

13. swim / in the lake / he?
13. in the lake? - Because it's too cold.

14. play with / at the school concert / you?
14. with at the school concert? - I'm going to play with Peter and Sam.

15. do / after dinner / she?
15. after dinner? - She's going to read a book.